Key features of LoveAlarm (for Android) + Open Event

LoveAlarm is the official mobile application that is intended to give users many chances to win special events and get many ‘Hearts’.

The concept of this application is based on a webtoon story “좋아하면 울리는” by Kye-young Chon. This webtoon story is also known as “Love Alarm” in the English version which is same as the Netflix original series.

The design of the application is similar to the one used in the Netflix original series but it is not about finding your ‘significant others’ yet. SORRY.

However, you can enjoy related promotional events and mini polls about the webtoon story and it’s characters.
Through the experiences, you will be able to fill up the empty heart on your screen
and you can find yourself getting to know the webtoon characters more.

The first event will be held in Seoul, South Korea. When you find a place designated as a “LoveAlarm experience space”,
LoveAlarm will give you “Heart” points. We will give you more details soon via this application.

[Key features]
– Accumulate ‘Heart’ points from promotional events
– Get information about the original webtoon

[Upcoming events]
– “LoveAlarm, Late Summer” Special event held by Netflix
– “Youtube Livestream of Kye-young Chon” in Seoul.

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Love Alarm Webtoon 유투브 채널에서 ‘좋아하면 울리는’ 스페인어 웹툰이 공개되었어요! 스페인어 버전의 ‘좋아하면 울리는’ 웹툰을 보고, 함께 축하해 주세요! 
 ‘LoveAlarm Webtoon’ 채널 ‘구독하기’도 잊지마세요!